Hello, my little bookworms!! It’s been so long since I posted something. Life has been hectic lately. BUT I’m finally back with a review of Sense and Sensibility written by the one and only Jane Austen.
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
This is the first time I read Sense and Sensibility. I’ve wanted to read it for a few years but never really got into it. I watched the 1995 movie years ago and fell completely in love! But, of course, books are different to films. Adaptations are always different to books, I think is important to not take adaptations personally haha and not going with a disposition to expect what’s exactly on the book or in the movie, if you watch it first. I enjoyed both. The book and the movie.
As I already knew the plot, it wasn’t new to me. But it was so interesting to read it and find things that weren’t in the movie. Although I must day the movie is quite true to the book.
I found the book a bit slow-paced. It didn’t drag, but it was slow. I found that many scenes were unnecessary, too. And maybe it’s a bit hard to get into the story in the beginning. As I had already watched the movie, I think that helped me a lot.
As for the characters, I love them. I just love the way Jane Austen writes her characters and the changes they have along the way. I’ve always loved Elinor and find her quite relatable. Marianne is hard to like at first. She’s immature and selfish (but I think we’ve all been her at some point in our lives) and I find her growth the most amazing of all the characters in the novel.
I absolutely adore Colonel Brandon! He’s such an extraordinary character, and it’s so well-written. It did cause me a bit of uncomfortableness the age gap, but I take it in the historical context. Also, he’s not that old. Plus, age is just a number, right? I think he’s my favourite with Elinor a close second. As for Edward, I like the movie Edward much better (or is it just young Hugh Grant? *stares into the horizon*) I think there’s a lack of depth to his character in the book. Austen portrays him as the simple, easy-going man, which he is of course, but I felt I needed more of him.
One thing I love is the sister dynamic and the way Austen writes it. She conveys perfectly a good, healthy, lovely sister relationship. I also loved Elinor and Colonel Brandon’s friendship! It was so pure, healthy, and honest.
As for Jane’s writing… well it’s always amazing to read her. I just love the way she writes. How does she even come with such sentences?! She’s just brilliant. Although, I do believe this is not her best work. Mind you, I’ve only read three of her books but I think both Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion are way better. Persuasion being the best of them *heart eyes thinking about Anne and Captian Wentworth*
Anyway, it was an entire experience to read this book, and I loved it. This month I’ll be reading Jane Austen again with my book club. This time will be Pride and Prejudice, and I’m super excited!
Tell me, have you read Sense and Sensibility? What do you think of it? If not, would you like to read it?
love, Lin