Books,  Reviews

Every Day in December – A heartwarming Christmas book!

Heeeeey! It’s me again. I’m not dead I was just SO busy 😭 but I’m slowly coming back to my little blog. Today I bring a new review of a lovely Christmas book.

Thanks to HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, and NetGalley for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Every Day in December by Kitty Wilson

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This was the perfect book to set the Christmas mood. It got me smiling so much as it was such a heartwarming love story that also touches some deep issues. It’s safe to say I now want to spend at least one Christmas in Bristol and Bath!

What is it about?

Two people. One month to fall in love.

Belle Wilde loves December. Yes, she’s just lost her job and Christmas is not a good time to find yourself ‘financially challenged’. And yes, her parents are still going on about the fact that she really should have it all together by now. But Belle believes that in December, magic can happen.

Rory Walters hates December. Whilst it looks like his life is together, he’s still reeling from a winter’s night five years ago when his life changed forever. Now back at home, he’s certain that this will be yet another Christmas to endure rather than enjoy.

But as midnight on December 31st draws closer, Belle and Rory’s time together is coming to an end. With a little help from a Christmas miracle could Belle find the one thing she really wants underneath the mistletoe?

I truly connected with both Belle and Rory. They’re both amazing characters. And even though the time span this story develops in is rather short, both characters have great growth.

via Giphy

I must confess I didn’t quite like Belle in the beginning but ended up loving her as I got to know her more and more. I love her passion for Shakespeare. And reading it rekindled the love I have for him that somehow was dormant. I love her resilience and her ability to find joy and make situations unforgettable. As for Rory, he was such a sweet man! I love his relationship with his mother! And Belle and Rory together are just so cute!

I only wish we had had an epilogue or a few more scenes of them being together. But aside from that, I enjoyed this book thoroughly and highly recommend it.

Tell me, Do you like Christmas books? I absolutely LOVE THEM!! and this one was the perfect read in these festive times. I hope you give it a chance! Merry Christmas!

love, Lin

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