Hello my little bookworms! How are you doing today? I hope all is well with you. I can’t believe this is Christmas week! When did that even happen?! That’s why today I bring you my last Christmas book review. This is the turn for Always, in December.
This is a spoiler-free review. However, it is a reaction review, which might be a spoiler review to some extent. If you don’t want any kind of spoilers, do not read this review.
Always, in December by Emily Stone

What is it about?
It started with a letter. It ended with a love story.
Every December, Josie posts a letter from her home in London to the parents she lost on Christmas night many years ago. Each year, she writes the same three words: Missing you, always. But this year, her annual trip to the postbox is knocked off course by a bicycle collision with a handsome stranger–a stranger who will change the course of Josie’s life.
How to even write a review? I’m not even sure how I feel about it. I’m not even sure about my rating lol. I feel like I could round it up to a 4 or lower I down to 3 any minute🙈 My feelings are all over the place. I’m just an emotional wreck. I’d heard that this book was a bit sad, but DUDE! I did not see this much pain coming.
This is a love story, but it’s also so much more than that. It’s not that simple. It’s also about discovering, opportunities, living, losing, venturing to the unknown. To make dreams come true. It’s about support, love, friendship, family. It’s lovely, poignant, heartwrenching, at times even funny, and absolutely heartbreaking.

I loved Josie and Max. They’re both great characters and very well-written. You get to connect with them and to feel what they feel. But also, there were times I was so infuriated with both Josie and Max. I just wanted to slap them and tell them: DO SOMETHING!
I know some people are mad about this one being labelled as a romance, and I totally understand. I think this is more of a women’s fiction book. Nonetheless, to me, it’s also a romance one.
I do recommend this book, but be aware, this is not a lighthearted Christmas romcom. It couldn’t be further than that.
Tell me, have you read it? Would you read it?

love, Lin